Applying for a school place main round
Please click on the following link for further information and for making an application.
Please note that for entry for Year 7 in 2024/25, the school will be offering up to 222 places.
Applying for a school place in-year
An in-year admission is when a child needs an immediate school place during the school year.
There are two main reasons for this. You might be moving house or are unhappy with your child’s current school.
You can apply for an in-year place up to four weeks before the place is needed. Exceptionally, parents seeking an in-year place starting in September 2025 can apply from 1 May 2024. These applications will be considered from
12 June 2024.
Please click on the following link for further information and for making an application.
Admission Appeals Timetable for Year 7 in September 2025
Appeals for transfer to Crofton School – Year 7
Please note
Appeals lodged after 28 March 2025 will be heard on the above dates, if possible. Where it is not achievable to hold an appeal on the above dates, the hearing will be scheduled within 30 school days (excluding any school holidays) of the appeal being lodged. Appeals lodged on or after 11 June 2025 may not be heard until the autumn term.
Appellants will receive at least 10 school days’ notice of the exact date and location of their appeal hearing.
Following the lodging of an appeal, additional papers may be submitted to Mrs Angela Dell, Admissions Officer at Crofton School, until 10 school days before the hearing. Evidence submitted after this date will be considered by the panel, but this may lead to an adjournment and significant delays.
If you have any questions about the appeals process, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Angela Dell on (01329) 666822 or via email: