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A high level of school attendance is essential for a child to reach their full educational achievement. We are committed to providing an education of the highest quality for all our students and endeavour to provide an environment where all students feel valued and welcome.


Parents and teachers share the responsibility for supporting and promoting excellent school attendance and punctuality for all. It is our duty to consistently strive to achieve a goal of 100% attendance for all children.

Every opportunity will be used to convey to students and their parents or carers the importance of regular and punctual attendance. For our children to take full advantage of the educational opportunities offered, it is vital your child is at school, on time, every day that the school is open unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable.


The routines children develop around attendance and punctuality at school are the same as the expectations of any future employer in the world of work. High attainment, confidence with peers and staff and future aspirations depend on good attendance.


The school does not support taking a holiday in term time.  Parents are strongly requested to avoid taking holidays in term time. If this is absolutely unavoidable, a ‘Leave of Absence’ form must be completed. The completed form should be received at least 2 weeks before the period for which you are seeking authorisation. The completed form setting out your reasons must be returned to Reception.


Below is an illustration of how absence adversely affects learning:

Absence Line

All students should be reported by their parents on the first day of absence and parents must contact the school every subsequent day that their child is absent.


This can be done via the new Edulink app or email Alternatively, call the school on 01329 664251 and select option 1 for the Absence line.


Latest Guidance For Parents, From Hampshire County Council Ref. Fixed Penalty Notices Nov 2015 >



Marks Road, Stubbington,
Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 2AT,

United Kingdom


Reception: 01329 664251

Student Absence: 01329 666824



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