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Promoting Universal Values

Crofton School promotes the universal values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. We actively promote the values by challenging opinions or behaviours in school that are contrary to fundamental universal values.

  • Tolerance
    Anti Bullying Crofton School is committed to creating a kind, diligent, and ambitious environment in which to learn and work. Our vision is of a school where “there is no bullying or unkindness; people are allowed to be themselves” and we aim to apply a ‘zero-tolerance’ approach to our management of bullying. We know that bullying does sometimes occur at school but we are absolutely determined to eliminate it whenever we know about it. All members of our community have a right to work in a secure and caring environment. They also have a responsibility to contribute, in whatever way they can, to the protection and maintenance of such an environment. We recognise that anyone can be a victim of bullying, irrespective of their age. Anti-Bullying campaigns at Crofton School Anti-bullying campaigns are run by the student leadership team, led by the Head Boy and Head Girl. They are supported by a team of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors who have been trained by the Princess Diana Award team. They run events such as Anti-Bullying week, but also hold a twice weekly drop-in for students in Miss Coston’s room at lunchtimes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Reporting Concerns All members of the school community, both students and adults, have a responsibility to recognise and report acts of bullying. Students are encouraged to report bullying to any adult they feel comfortable talking to and parents with concerns should contact either the student’s tutor or Head of Year in the first instance. ​ All teaching staff, tutors, Heads of Year and the Assistant Headteacher (Behaviour and Attendance), will actively investigate all allegations of bullying and take action in line with the school’s Behaviour Management Policy. This will usually be a phased response, which aims to protect victims, correct unkind behaviour and restore relationships. When bullying is first reported, it is likely that the bully will be warned and the victim encouraged to report any recurrence; if the warning is not effective, sanctions of increasing severity will be imposed. It is normal practice for the parents of all the students concerned to be kept informed and encouraged to play a part in finding a solution to individual problems. Incidents of bullying are recorded and monitored by Heads of Year. ​ LGBT At Crofton School we support young people as they develop their own identities. ​ In the last 12 months we have successfully facilitated gender identity transition. We have provided staff training and signposted young people to support staff in school or support groups outside of school. We have worked very closely with those families involved. ​ Mermaids is a good website for providing information on gender identity issues in children and young people. Stonewall We are delighted and proud to announce that Crofton School is a Stonewall School Champion. This means that we are committed to: Tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying Making school a place where all pupils - including lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people - are accepted without exception Championing diversity and celebrating difference ​ We firmly believe that all schools should take an active, positive approach to tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic language and bullying. Bullying has a severe impact on the well-being, attainment and aspirations of LGBT students. Crofton School is committed to making a positive difference as a Stonewall School Champion. We would also like to hear from parents about how we can, together, make Crofton School an even better place of learning for LGBT people. Miss Knight, Senior Assistant Headteacher, is our school link ‘champion’ for parents.
  • PDL
    Follow the PDL link on the Subjects page to view further information:
  • Democracy
    We fully endorse the aims of the Prevent duty by: > Stimulating discussion and deepen thought through: > RE - The teaching of all main religions which represent universal religions > History - Nazi Germany, Stalin’s Russia and Maoist China > ICT - Internet safety and online propaganda > English and Media - the use of propaganda > Tutor-based activities such as the study of news items > Socially empowering and politically engaging students > Building students' empathy and tolerance of different perspectives in order to strengthen their resilience to the pull of extreme ideologies > Protecting children from the risk of radicalisation
  • Respect
    Our whole school approach to SMSC is underpinned by respect of others. ​ Through SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) Schools should promote the fundamental universal values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. ​ Actively promoting the values means challenging opinions or behaviours in school that are contrary to fundamental universal values. ​ We encourage students to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative, and to understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and to society more widely. ​ Crofton School SMSC ​ We promote United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child: ​ Article 14 Every child has the right to think and believe what they want and also to practise their religion, as long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their right. Governments must respect the rights of parents to give their children guidance about this right. Article 29 Education should develop each child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as their parents, their own and other cultures and the environment. Article 30 Every child has the right to learn and use the language, customs and religion of their family whether or not these are shared by the majority of people in the country where they live. Further tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions by enabling students to acquire an appreciation of and respect for their own and other cultures.
  • Computing
    KS3 Frequency: Weekly Type of home learning: Students are set five tier 3 keywords from the current unit they are studying. Student are asked to learn the meaning of the words. They are expected to create flashcards, learn and test themselves on the words every week, At the end of each half term the students are tested on the meaning of the words in a written assessment in class. Benefits to Learning: Having a solid understanding of tier 3 Computer Science vocabulary will help student to develop a solid foundation in Computer Science to allow them to progress through the curriculum. KS4 Frequency: Weekly Type of home learning: Smart Revise Online set for a minimum of 30 minutes per week to allow students to consolidate classroom learning and self-assess through both quiz and long answer advanced questions. Automatic feedback is given to students and performance is then analysed by staff to identify gaps in learning and common misconceptions. Benefits to Learning: This homework is designed to interleave learning from previous unit to reduce the ‘forgetting curve’. It involves both knowledge recall and application of knowledge in the advance section of exam style questions.
  • History
    Frequency : A variety of activities will be set Half termly and/or in line with current topic. Type of home learning: Vocabulary building activities linked to each topic. These build on vocabulary from the lesson and offer students the opportunity to embed these in various ways. Use of vocabulary in extended writing in class. History projects linked to each topic. Students will research & create a piece of work to support and extend their learning in class. Topic research linked to each topic. Students will research a key topic & use it to develop their deeper understanding and wider knowledge Revision targeted revision used during the half term the Year group will be completing exam work. This is modelled in lessons and students are set the challenge to complete further thinking at home, using guidance to support them. Extended writing tasks to model and encourage students to write like Historians. Benefits to Learning: Vocabulary building activities - Spelling tests completed in lesson and self-marked. Extended writing to be reviewed with feedback in lessons, this may be verbal whole class feedback or individual comments. The students develop wider vocabulary and confidence in using tier 2 and tier 3 words building towards using them in assessments. History projects – Projects will be reviewed with feedback in lessons, this may be peer assessed, verbal whole class feedback or individual comments. Topic research - Research will be reviewed in lesson and used for flip learning activities. Revision- The questions in exams help to highlight understanding of topics already covered and can support teachers in planning for individuals. Extended writing tasks will be reviewed with feedback in lessons, this may be peer assessed, verbal whole class feedback or individual comments. Assessment: Depending on the Home learning task; will consist of peer assessment, verbal whole class feedback, individual comments, low stakes quizzing or flipped learning. Feedback: Depending on the Home learning task; will consist of peer assessment, verbal whole class feedback or individual comments with opportunities to reflect and/ or develop skills and knowledge.
  • Art/Design Technology
    Frequency: Fortnightly Type of home learning: KS3: Project based learning that builds on work that is being completed in class. This could include research, revision for exams, design work, preparation for practical tasks in class and vocabulary checks. Projects will be 6-8 weeks of work, with fortnightly set tasks to allow pupils to manage the time effectively. KS4: weekly tasks that link specifically to class tasks. This could include research, revision for exams, design work, preparation for practical tasks in class and vocabulary checks. Tasks will be linked to portfolio work for art and photography and will include practise of skills in Design Technology and Hospitality and Catering. Benefits to Learning: Pupils will have the opportunity to use home learning time to complete tasks that build into classroom learning and extend their knowledge. Assessment:Pupils will be assessed in class through ongoing verbal assessment and self and peer assessment using success criteria. Feedback: Instant feedback will be given via quizzes, spelling check, and formal written marking will happen at the end of each project or twice half termly for key stage 4.
  • Drama
    Frequency: KS3 Termly/KS4 Fortnightly Type of home learning: Project based learning with a variety of flipped tasks that build towards a final performance each half term. KS3 – students may be asked to complete quizzes, spelling tests or small research projects. They could also be asked to rehearse or prepare for an upcoming practical assessment. KS4 – students may be asked to complete written responses or research for C1 or C2 exam preparation. They may also be asked to attend rehearsals after school in the run up to a practical exam. Benefits to Learning Benefits to Learning: Allows students to immerse themselves thematically in character development or within the relevant performance criteria for that term. Assessment : Students will be assessed in class through ongoing verbal communication and practical demonstration. Feedback : Feedback will be given via quizzes, spelling check, and formal written marking will happen at the end of each scheme of work during the practical assessment.
  • PE
    Frequency: Monthly Type of home learning: Reflection and evaluation of how student is making progress towards the learning objective for the half term based on the activity they have been studying in PE that month: Year 7: Understand and define the components of fitness. Demonstrate and apply knowledge within a variety of physical activities. Development and application of fundamental skills in a variety of physical activities Understand and demonstrate principles of play or performance in a variety of physical activities. Year 8: Understand and develop knowledge of the rules, regulations, and etiquette within a variety of physical activities. Demonstrate different forms of communication and teamwork within a variety of physical activities. Understand how the components of fitness impact upon performance in a range of physical activities. Year 9: Develop and apply different tactics, strategies and/or dynamics within a variety of physical activities. Understand and develop leadership, officiating and/or choreography skills in a variety of physical activities. Development and application of advanced level skills in a variety of physical activities.Additional tasks may be set to reflect on current affairs in sport as appropriate or as physical challenges during holiday periods. Benefits to Learning: Students will have a greater understanding of how activities in PE link together and how the skills required are relevant across various activities. Students who engage with home learning will be more confident and be able to verbalise understanding more effectively. Assessment: Self-reflections contribute to the overall summative assessment of students. Students share reflections with peers during warm up activities post survey. Feedback: Staff will provide personalised verbal feedback to students following home learning periods.
  • RE
    Frequency: Fortnightly (roughly three points in a topic) Type of home learning: Specific knowledge tests. Students will have three subject specific tests to complete at home over the course of a half term. They will build on the knowledge in class and will help build a picture of what students are able to remember in class. These will run alongside metacognitive starters to aid retrieval practice. Benefits to Learning: Benefit to learning: Students will take three multiple choice knowledge tests where they will be reviewing key information and literacy that they will need to be successful. Students will get their scores immediately at home and know how well they have done. They will be able to identify their learning gaps so they can review information and key literacy at home or with their teacher in class. This will help them to improve overall in the subject. Assessment: For the first knowledge test the data will be used to inform planning and signal areas that need to be taught to students in depth. Subsequent tests will demonstrate learning so far. This will be fed back to pupils in lessons and success shared. The final test in the Unit will be when pupils are assessed on what they have learnt. Rewards will be given. Some students will receive intervention if they haven’t demonstrated knowledge needed for their age expectation. Feedback: Whole class feedback given halfway through the unit to clarify any questions that students have found challenging. Individual feedback given at the end of the knowledge test where students are given a reflection sheet in their book where their scores will be. There will be positive praise points for students who have improved.
  • MFL
    MFL Home Learning Frequency: Weekly Type of home learning: MFL home learning is based around learning vocabulary. It is paper-based, sometimes with an online option. Students are given a knowledge organiser of vocabulary every half term, divided into sections to learn each week. The vocabulary is often available on a website called Quizlet and if so, links are provided. KS4 home learning also includes longer written tasks and preparation for GCSE. Students are also expected to complete a copy, cover, write, check of their vocabulary every week at home and bring in to class on the day of their vocabulary test. Benefits to learning: It is vital that students spend time outside of lessons learning vocabulary in order to make progress. Students need to learn vocabulary little and often in order to learn effectively and we advise learning in sessions of about 10 – 15 minutes 2 or 3 times a week at KS3, increasing in time and frequency at KS4. Towards the end of each half term, revision of the entire module helps to consolidate vocabulary knowledge. Assessment: Regular vocabulary tests help students to identify the words they still need to work on. At the end of each half term there is an end-of-topic assessment which takes different formats and will also include a vocabulary assessment based on the entire unit. Feedback: Students self-mark their vocabulary tests and are expected to fill in their corrections. Whole class feedback helps to address misunderstandings. Written paragraphs and essays are marked by the teacher, using a feedback sheet, and students are given time in class to correct their work. Students are given a reflection sheet at regular intervals in which they look back at their prior learning, reflect on areas for improvement and set themselves words to learn or areas to develop.
  • Maths
    Frequency : Every week Type of home learning :Week A – Retrieval Practice/Metacognition Students are set four questions, one based on a topic they completed last year, one on a topic completed last term, one last week and one that involves an element of problem solving. Week B – Blended Learning task on mymaths or mathswatch vle based on current topic of study. Websites that can be used for independent study are and Benefits to Learning: Retrieval practice is a strategy in which bringing information to mind enhances and boosts learning. Deliberately recalling information forces us to pull our knowledge “out” and examine what we know. Blended learning via Mathswatch VLE is learning that combines face-to-face teaching and online instruction--ideally with leveraging the strengths of each. Assessment: Based around the Week B blended learning task. This will be marked online for students so that they can see their success and areas for improvement. Feedback: Feedback is given for both Week A and Week B home learning tasks. This is in the form of class teacher working through the questions and answers from the tasks and focusing on any questions that were an area of weakness/improvement for many students.
  • Science
    Frequency: Topic dependant Type of home learning: KS3 home learning takes a literacy and retrieval focus. Tasks include Carousel quizzes, comprehension tasks, key words and definitions, Exampro exam style question and revision activities. Benefit/assessment: Students are assessed by a variety of tasks to help embed fundamental scientific concepts and provide an opportunity to apply and extend their knowledge. Feedback: Formative feedback will be provided in class.
  • Geography
    Frequency: Fortnightly (roughly three activities in a topic) Type of home learning: Each half term students will complete a range of activites via the platform Educake. All tasks set will be explicitly linked to KS3 schemes of work and the KS4 AQA GCSE curriculum. Benefits to Learning: This resource is specifically tailored to the GCSE exam board (AQA) and aligns closely with the curriculum, ensuring that students engage with relevant content. One of the key benefits of Educake is its ability to identify areas of weakness in students' understanding, allowing for targeted interventions to address gaps in knowledge. By regularly using this platform, we aim to enhance our students' learning experiences and improve their performance in geography. Assessment: Educake is a formative assessment tool by nature. Feedback: Students are given feedback on their progress via the Educake platform. Students are also given the option to challenge any of the feedback given, contacting their teacher directly, which will then be responded to.
  • Music
    Frequency: Fortnightly Type of home learning: Retrieval practice tasks – small tasks that prepare students for future learning or that build upon knowledge assimilated in the lesson. The goal of home learning at Key Stage 3 is to demystify basic music theory, terminology and how to decipher a musical score. Benefits to Learning: Low stakes tests allow staff to gage progress over time without increasing levels of anxiety. This will allow staff to judge what needs to be followed up in the future. Assessment: In class testing based on revision of resources. Feedback: Peer marked with common misunderstandings explored in class. Students that repeatedly score low and do not demonstrate understanding will be supported in after school sessions.
  • English
    Frequency : Weekly Type of home learning : Year 7 - Quizzes, reading, demonstrating skills: comprehension; track and retrieve information Bedrock Learning – Blended learning. Year 8 - Flipped learning: to introduce new vocabulary via reading extracts from future texts: comprehension and inference quizzesRecall and comprehension quizzes via Educake, Bedrock Learning Year 9 – Quizzes on Educake test understanding and the consolidate learning  and vocabulary acquisition through Bedrock Learning. Benefits to Learning: Low-stake quizzing to test comprehension and tier 2 vocabulary linked to texts studied in lesson.  Accelerated Reading to support literacy and comprehension  .Grammar focus to support whole-school literacy with the use of Bedrock . Tier 2 Vocabulary: definitions, connotations, denotations = Example of flipped learning, students being introduced to new vocabulary and learning definitions prior to lesson/text (pre-teaching vocabulary) . Assessment: Software programme assesses through algorithms. Weekly through every test Feedback: Immediate score with an opportunity to self-review Teacher verbal feedback – expectation for Educake is 75% pass rate or students repeat the quiz. Bedrock Learning offers immediate feedback and praise and rewards via gamification
  • What happens if home learning is not completed?
    We believe that the students should learn to take responsibility for managing their time in order to meet the deadlines set by teachers. This is a life skill and will benefit students when they leave school and enter further education or the world of work. If students do not complete home learning teachers may: Contact home Give an extension to the deadline Set a home learning restorative/ catch-up session Home Learning catch up sessions run parallel to our current school restorative system; however, they are very different in terms of purpose. These sessions provide an opportunity for the student to work with the teacher on a 1:1 basis to improve an area that is affecting their progress and complete the home learning set. Home Learning catch up sessions are not voluntary and can vary in time, with a maximum of one hour. If a student fails to attend a catch-up session, without good reason, then a restorative meeting will be set. The specific reason for setting a catch up session can be varied, but below are some examples: Lack of home learning Poor performance in examinations or other assessments Lack of preparation for lessons such as failure to research or revise prior to an assessment Poor progress in class Home Learning catch up sessions provide an important distinction between behaviour and other issues relating to the lack of progress in class and will help teachers work alongside their students to improve their progress.
  • Home learning is important because it:
    Helps to consolidate and extend what is learnt in the classroom Helps teachers to assess students’ learning and plan accordingly Develops individual learning responsibility Develops research and revision skills Develop perseverance and self-discipline Allow practice, when needed and appropriately timed, of skills learned in the classroom Allow for more ground to be covered and more rapid progress to be made Enable class work to concentrate on those activities requiring the teacher’s presence Widen areas of study and enable the use of materials and sources of information that are not accessible in the classroom Encourage students to identify and use home learning opportunities to support their progress Prepares students for GCSE study and beyond
  • How often is home learning set?
    At both Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 & 9) and Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11), your child should expect some form of home learning every week from most subjects, however this may be spread across a number of weeks. Tasks will vary according to subject and year group – more about each subject’s approach can be accesed in the subjects tab above.
  • What support is available for home learning?
    The school also operates a Home Learning Club and years 10 and 11 have access to the R.I.C. Home Learning Club is available for KS3 students and held in ICT 2 every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday after school, Staff are on hand to help students who attend. 
 The RIC (Revision and Intervention Centre is available for all Years to assist with revision). Some students may be asked to attend intervention sessions held in the RIC, but it is available to all students if they would like support.
  • How can parents help their children with home learning?
    Parents can help students with their home learning by: Not doing the work for students! Although your child may find some tasks more difficult than others, it is important either students ask their teacher for support, or for you to guide them, rather than complete tasks for them Providing them with an appropriate place where they can work Providing them with the equipment to learn Encouraging them to make use of the school’s resources Helping them plan their time by using Edulink One and noting home learning deadlines Providing encouragement and help Encouraging students to use external sources of help – the internet, the library, museums, videos, etc
  • How is home learning set?
    Home learning is set on Edulink One and all students have a log-in so that they can access resources and tasks.
  • Pastoral Support
    At Crofton School, we have a strong network of staff that are able to support your child's pastoral needs. Pastoral Support is a service that gives help and support to students as well as providing information, advice and guidance. We always work in close partnership with teachers, parents/carers and other specialist agencies. ​ Contacts for Pastoral Support at Crofton can be found on our Key Staff page.
  • Child Protection (Safeguarding)
    All schools have a major responsibility regarding Child Protection. Should there be any case where a school has reason to be concerned that a child may be subject to ill treatment, neglect or other forms of abuse, then staff have to follow Child Protection Procedures, which may involve contact with social care. ​ Our school safeguarding Designated Lead is Assistant Headteacher/SENCO Mr P Williams and the Deputy Designated Lead is Mrs K Pennicott. ​ You can find our Safeguarding Policy and Statement and further information on our dedicated Safeguarding page.
  • Family Liaison
    Our Family Liaison Officer is Lisa Noice. Parents can contact Lisa Noice directly: e-mail: telephone: 07867 970024 How can our Family Liaison Officer help you? Lisa offers 1:1 sessions for parents and runs regular workshops on subjects such as ‘Building Your Worries’ and ‘Positive Parenting with Teens’. ​ Other topics include: Parenting challenges Behaviour management School attendance / lateness School transition Coping with change Confidence and self-esteem building Relationship breakdown Bullying Bereavement School relationship Getting back to work or education Housing Financial issues Family related worries
  • Online Safety
    Thinkyouknow (advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online) Internet matters (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online) Parent info (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online) LGfL (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online) Net-aware (support for parents and careers from the NSPCC Online Safety with Cyber Ambassadors
  • Mental Health
    You have a young and developing mind, you may need help in understanding how you are feeling, or maybe just need to get something off your chest. Who do you feel comfortable telling this information to? Friend, Teacher, Parent/Family, maybe a support line? Below is a selection of resources for you, but remember, if you need any help or you are struggling contact someone; your teachers are at the end of an email. Our school Senior Mental Health Lead is Mr P Williams, Assistant Headteacher/SENCO. ​ Mental Health and Wellbeing Links : Young Minds Eating Disorders Self Harm Childline NSPCC Crisis Line
  • Keeping Safe Online
    Thinkyouknow (advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online) Internet matters (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online) Parent info (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online) LGfL (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online) Net-aware (support for parents and careers from the NSPCC Online Safety with Cyber Ambassadors
  • Safeguarding
    Named Designated Safeguard Lead Mr P Williams Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead Mrs K Pennicott Designated Safeguard Lead Mrs G Badesha Designated Safeguard Lead Mr S Harrison Designated Safeguard Lead Mrs L Noice
  • Teaching and Learning
    Director of Personal Development Mr S Barnes Director of Teaching and Learning Mrs S Gronow Lead Teachers Mrs C Byford Mrs S Latter Mrs K West
  • Support Staff
    Operations Manager Miss C Hannaway Headteacher's PA & Admissions Mrs A Dell Senior Site Manager Mr M Andrews Senior IT Technician Mr L Booker Resources & Marketing Manager Mrs N White Exams Officer Mrs W Wollaston Welfare Officer Mrs D Wendes
  • Student Support
    Year 7 Student Support Leader Mrs J Duff-Stewart Year 8 Student Support Leader Ms S McGarrity Year 9 Student Support Leader Mr C Duff-Stewart Year 10 Student Support Leader Mrs L Barden Year 11 Student Support Leader Miss F Nightingale
  • Head of Year
    Head of Year 7 Mr C Buckman Head of Year 8 Miss R Sweetland Head of Year 9 Mrs M Limburn Head of Year 10 Mr A Playford Head of Year 11 Miss K Young Acting HOY (Friday Week B only): Mrs S Dugan
  • Subject Leaders
    Art, Design and Technology Miss M Harris History Mr J Farmer Music Mr J Oliver Science Mrs A Oppé Computing Mrs J Wilson English Mrs J Winkles PDL Mr S Barnes Drama Mrs L Stevenson Maths Mr A Edwards PE & Dance Mr M Zealander Geography Mr J McBeath MFL Mrs A Adam RE Mrs J Duffy
  • Senior Leadership Team
    Headteacher Mr S Harrison Deputy Headteacher Mrs G Badesha Assistant Headteacher Mrs L Bryant Assistant Headteacher Mr J Ainsworth Assistant Headteacher (SENCO) Mr P Williams Assistant Headteacher Mrs C Farrand
  • SEN
    Assistant Head Teacher / SENCO Mr P Williams Deputy SENCO Miss R Phillips ASD Co-ordinator Miss M House
  • Why we use data
    Why do we collect and use pupil information? We collect and use pupil information under the General Data Protection Regulations: Article 6(1)(e) – the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller. Article 9(2)(g) – the processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest. We use the pupil data: to protect pupil welfare and carry out safeguarding activities; We use this data to: Support pupil learning Monitor and report on pupil progress Provide appropriate pastoral care Protect pupil welfare Administer admissions waiting lists Comply with the law regarding data sharing
  • Other rights
    Under UK data protection law, individuals have certain rights regarding how their personal data is used and kept safe, including the right to: Object to the use of personal data if it would cause, or is causing, damage or distress Prevent it being used to send direct marketing In certain circumstances, have inaccurate personal data corrected, deleted or destroyed, or restrict processing To exercise any of these rights, please contact our data protection officer.
  • Data sharing
    Crofton do not share information about pupils with any third party without consent unless the law and our policies allow us to do so. Where it is legally required, or necessary (and it complies with UK data protection law) we may share personal information about pupils with: Our local authority – to meet our legal obligations to share certain information with it, such as safeguarding concerns and exclusions The Department for Education The pupil’s family and representatives Educators and examining bodies Our regulator [specify as appropriate, e.g. Ofsted, Independent Schools Inspectorate] Our auditors Health authorities Health and social welfare organisations Police forces, courts, tribunals
  • Parents and pupils’ rights regarding personal data
    Individuals have a right to make a ‘subject access request’ to gain access to personal information that the school holds about them. Parents/carers can make a request with respect to their child’s data where the child is not considered mature enough to understand their rights over their own data (usually under the age of 12), or where the child has provided consent. If you make a subject access request, and if we do hold information about you or your child, we will: Give you a description of it Tell you why we are holding and processing it, and how long we will keep it for Explain where we got it from, if not from you or your child Tell you who it has been, or will be, shared with Let you know whether any automated decision-making is being applied to the data, and any consequences of this Give you a copy of the information in an intelligible form Individuals also have the right for their personal information to be transmitted electronically to another organisation in certain circumstances. If you would like to make a request please contact our data protection officer.
  • Collecting this information
    While the majority of information we collect about pupils is mandatory, there is some information that can be provided voluntarily. Whenever we seek to collect information from you or your child, we make it clear whether providing it is mandatory or optional. If it is mandatory, we will explain the possible consequences of not complying.
  • Our legal basis for using this data
    Crofton School only collect and use pupils’ personal data when the law allows us to. Most commonly, we process it where: We need to comply with a legal obligation We need it to perform an official task in the public interest We have obtained consent to use it in a certain way We need to protect the individual’s vital interests (or someone else’s interests) Less commonly, we may also process pupils’ personal data in situations where: Where we have obtained consent to use pupils’ personal data, this consent can be withdrawn at any time. We will make this clear when we ask for consent, and explain how consent can be withdrawn. Some of the reasons listed above for collecting and using pupils’ personal data overlap, and there may be several grounds which justify our use of this data.
  • Youth support services
    Once our pupils reach the age of 13, we are legally required to pass on certain information about them to Hampshire County Council, as it has legal responsibilities regarding the education or training of 13-19 year-olds. This information enables it to provide youth support services, post-16 education and training services, and careers advisers. Parents/carers, or pupils once aged 16 or over, can contact our data protection officer to request that we only pass the individual’s name, address and date of birth to Hampshire County Council
  • Contact us
    If you have any questions, concerns or would like more information about anything mentioned in this privacy notice, please contact our data protection officer: Caroline Hannaway – – 01329 666828 This notice is based on the Department for Education’s model privacy notice for pupils, amended for parents and to reflect the way we use data in Crofton School.
  • How we store this data
    We keep personal information about pupils while they are attending our school. We may also keep it beyond their attendance at our school if this is necessary in order to comply with our legal obligations.
  • The personal data we hold
    Personal data that we may collect, use, store and share (when appropriate) about students includes, but is not restricted to: Contact details, contact preferences, date of birth, identification documents Results of internal assessments and externally set tests Student and curricular records Characteristics, such as ethnic background, eligibility for free school meals, or special educational needs Exclusion information Details of any medical conditions, including physical and mental health Attendance information Safeguarding information Details of any support received, including care packages, plans and support providers Photographs CCTV images captured in school We may also hold data about students that we have received from other organisations, including other schools, local authorities and the Department for Education. Why we use this data We use this data to: Support student learning Monitor and report on student progress Provide appropriate pastoral care
  • Complaints
    We take any complaints about our collection and use of personal information very seriously. If you think that our collection or use of personal information is unfair, misleading or inappropriate, or have any other concern about our data processing, please raise this with us in the first instance. To make a complaint, please contact our data protection officer. Alternatively, you can make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office: Report a concern online at Call 0303 123 1113 Or write to: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
  • National Pupil Database
    We are required to provide information about pupils to the Department for Education as part of statutory data collections such as the school census. Some of this information is then stored in the National Pupil Database (NPD), which is owned and managed by the Department and provides evidence on school performance to inform research. The database is held electronically so it can easily be turned into statistics. The information is securely collected from a range of sources including schools, local authorities and exam boards. The Department for Education may share information from the NPD with other organisations which promote children’s education or wellbeing in England. Such organisations must agree to strict terms and conditions about how they will use the data. For more information, see the Department’s webpage on how it collects and shares research data.
  • List of governors
    Simon Harrison Headteacher Matt Atkinson Chair of Governors / Partnership Governor Stuart Parker-Tyreman Vice Chair of Governors / Parent Governor Nicola Mills Clerk to Governors Martin Budd Partnership Governor Ian Chapman Partnership Governor Steven Norton Partnership Governor Mitzi Swanson Partnership Governor Richard Croker Co-opted Governor George Sam-Brew Co-opted Governor Caroline Hannaway Co-opted Governor - Support Staff Amanda Knight Staff Governor David Orton Parent Governor Dimpee Sood Parent Governor Stuart Harvey Parent Governor Joanna Eland Local Authority Governor
  • GDPR
    Our core data protection obligations and commitments are set out in the Privacy Notices which can be found here
  • Continuous Service Commitment
    New employees can keep their service related benefits when moving between a whole host of public sector organisations which include: Councils, NHS, Fire and Rescue, and many others.
  • About Crofton School
    Crofton is a happy, and ambitious school, excited about our journey to becoming exceptional. In order to a move to achieve this we have joined HISP Multi Academy Trust from April 2023.The Trust believe in building excellent educational environments that inspire and unlock potential in all our school communities.  Their ethos is one of sustainable school improvement; and schools joining the trust do so with the prime aim of improving themselves and each other through the development and embedding of a professional continuum.   At school level we believe that we can achieve exceptional  through our ethos of kindness, ambition and diligence, expected throughout our learning community so that we finish each day with exceptional outcomes. We are motivated by a sense of the moral seriousness of what schools do; a conviction that education, while important, should also be fun; by a belief that schools should be inclusive communities in which everyone is equally valued; and by a determination that we should not tolerate underachievement. We take great pride in the high standards achieved by our students – they leave us as happy, well-qualified, confident and well-motivated young citizens and we are delighted that so many go on to excel in local sixth-forms, colleges, universities and the wider world. If you are an aspirational professional, who share our values and commitment to raise inspire students to achieve their full potential, able to contribute to our culture of sharing best practice, and want to make a difference to the life-chances of all the students in your care, then we could have a position for you. At Crofton we offer : A committed SLT and Governing Body. A commitment towards your continued personal development. Effective training to ensure the successful candidate is skilled in all areas of work.   About HISP Trust: HISP Multi Academy Trust believe in building excellent educational environments that inspire and unlock potential in all our school communities.  We currently have five schools within our Trust covering the age ranges from nursery to 16 with plans to expand and grow quickly across our geographical location. Whilst we are currently a small Trust, we are ambitious and have a broad range of outward facing accreditations that support our schools and those within our local area.  We are part of the Education Endowment Foundation Network with our HISP Research School.  Evidence informed practice underpins our ethos, professional development and school improvement.  We have an outstanding provision for training new teachers through our Hampshire SCITT Partnership, which also supports career progression for staff within our Trust and links to higher education.   We have recently been designated, by the DfE, with two Teaching School Hubs covering Portsmouth, Southampton, the Isle of Wight and the South Eastern and South Western parts of Hampshire.  The core purpose behind the Teaching School Hubs is to become centres of excellence for teaching and leadership training and development.
  • Diversity and Inclusion
    We are committed to developing a culture which respects individuals, appreciates difference and allows everyone regardless of background to reach their full potential. (see policy at the bottom of the page).
  • How to Apply?
    If you are interested in applying for any of our available positions please scroll down to download a Crofton School application form - please do not send CVs.. The completed application form can then be e-mailed to (If you are unable to complete online, please print and complete and send to the school address – HR Team, Crofton School, Marks Road, Stubbington, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 2AT Guidance on completing the application form can be found here Due to the current Coronavirus restrictions, we are not offering visits or tours of the school prior to application. However, there is a virtual tour available if you scroll down the page.
  • Safeguarding
    Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The posts are subject to an enhanced DBS disclosure. Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exemptions) Order 1975 As the position you are applying for gives you privileged access to vulnerable groups, you are required to disclose all spent convictions and cautions under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exemptions) Order 1975 unless it is a “protected” conviction/caution under the amendments made to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exemptions) Order 1975 (in 2013) and, therefore, not subject to disclosure. This means that you must disclose all spent and unspent convictions on this form other than those which are so “protected”. This may include any driving offences. Guidance on the filtering of “protected” convictions and cautions can be accessed on the Disclosure and Barring Service website: Please be aware overseas checks will be required if you have lived or worked abroad for 12 months or more, continuously or in total over the last 10 years whilst aged 18 or over (see policy at the bottom of the page). Please refer to the Government advice here for details for how to obtain your Certificates of Good Character. 
  • Staff Benefits
    Crofton recognises the benefits derived from investing in our staff, and there are a number of additional benefits available to all staff. Teachers Pension Scheme. Local Government Pension Scheme. Access to Salary Sacrifice loans (transport, personal development, IT Equipment). Access to Financial Wellbeing Hub (Mortgages/loans/savings). Free parking for all staff. Access to School Canteen. Exclusive perks and discounts from local and national retailers . Access to Wellbeing Services provided by Schools Advisory Service (SAS) including physiotherapy, counselling, diet, and fitness.   Annual Flu Jabs offered via the onsite welfare team. Assistance towards glasses where they are needed for significant VDU use .
  • Students
    Where you suspect that bullying has taken place towards yourself or another learner you should report it to any member of staff as soon as you can. You may, where appropriate, also offer the following actions: provides some good advice around cyberbullying – this should not be in place of reporting it to a parent or member of staff. Step in to protect the learner who is being bullied (unless it is unsafe to do so). Offer emotional support to the learner being bullied – ask them if they are ok and if there is anything that can be done to support them. Encourage and support them to report the incident themselves to a parent or member of staff.
  • Cyber Bullying
    The misuse of technology and social media has become an increasingly common form of bullying. Whilst the government has identified that the school has a responsibility to investigate and act upon reported incidents of bullying (including cyberbullying) it is important to note that we can only sanction learners anywhere that they are “on school premises or under our ‘lawful control’ ”. This means that we cannot sanction learners for any bullying whilst they are under the lawful responsibility of their parents. We can, however, work with the families of the affected learners to ensure that sanctions are put into place by parents, to support the victim and ensure that they are safe at school and, where relevant, ensure that the relevant authorities are contacted. Where you suspect that cyberbullying has taken place it is important to still inform your child’s tutor (or in their absence their Head of Year) as the bullying may also be taking place in other forms. We can inform you of the best actions to take and whether or not to report the incidents to the relevant authorities.
  • Parents
    Be alert for any changes in your child’s behaviour. If you suspect that your child is the target of bullying then please reassure them and listen to their concerns. It is important to report the incident(s) to any member of staff (ideally your child’s form tutor or Head of Year), even if your child doesn’t want you to – although these things sometimes ‘peter out’ by themselves this does not address the bully’s behaviour and prevent it happening again. Under no circumstances should parents confront suspected bullies or their family members – this never calms a situation down and will often result in the bullying becoming worse for your child.
  • Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
    We have a group of student Anti-Bullying Ambassadors. The Ambassadors have been trained to deal with bullying with a restorative approach. This helps by trying to resolve conflict and prevent harm. Restorative approaches enable those who have been harmed to convey the impact of the harm to those responsible, and for those responsible to acknowledge this impact and take steps to put it right.
  • YouTube
    You have every right to use YouTube without fear of being subjected to bullying or harassment. Bullying can be reported and action taken when things cross a line. To flag a video you think is inappropriate (click on the little flag bottom right of the video) and YouTube will take a look at it to see whether it breaks their terms of use. If it does then they will remove it. YouTube rules say you can't upload videos with hate content, nudity or graphic violence and if you find one on someone else's space, click on the video to flag it as inappropriate. If under comments, you are being bullied, harassed or threats are being made, they have a reporting tool page where you can report the bullying and they will investigate.
  • Twitter
    If you receive a tweet or reply that you don't like, you can unfollow that person. If they continue to contact you, you can block the user (just click on the head icon on their profile and select block user). You may find that as they are unable to get through to you, they will lose interest. However, if this is not the case and you continue to receive unwanted replies, abuse or threats, you can report it here straight to Twitter directly. If you know a friend or family member is being abused on Twitter, they have advice pages that can help with step by step help.
  • Facebook
    Facebook does not tolerate bullying and say they will remove bullying content when they become aware of it and may disable the account of anyone who bullies or attacks another. They have a set of community standards that they adhere to and it states that they will not tolerate: Pages that identify and shame private individuals, Images altered to degrade private individuals, Photos or videos of physical bullying posted to shame the victim, Sharing personal information to blackmail or harass people and Repeatedly targeting other people with unwanted friend requests or messages. You can report bullying on Facebook using the report links which appear near the content itself, normally on a drop down arrow which gives you menu option to report the image, post or comment.
  • Instagram
    Bullying or abuse on Instagram can happen in many ways. It can be either negative comments, fake profiles or hacking of accounts. Instagram take all of these violations very seriously and have plenty of advice on their pages if you or someone you know is being bullied or abused on Instagram. Their advice initially is to block and unfollow the person who is being abusive. However, if it continues or it has gotten worse, you can use their in-app reporting tool. This page has details on how to report the abuse directly to them.
  • WhatsApp
    WhatsApp Messenger lets people sends instant messages, videos, photos, and short audio messages to either one person or within a group chat. Messages can only be sent to other smartphone users who also have WhatsApp. Once you install the app, it checks your address book to see if anyone else you know is already using WhatsApp, and connects you automatically. You have to be over 16 to use WhatsApp legally. Bullying can take many forms as it is a messaging service and we often hear of abusive group chats. You can block and delete the contact. You can find out more by emailing them at
  • TikTok
    TikTok offers a home for creative expression where people can enjoy an eclectic range of immersive, genuine, and entertaining videos – from dance challenges to lip-syncing to DIY tutorials to historical parodies to internet memes. TikTok remove content, including video, audio, livestream, images, comments and text that violate our Community Guidelines, and accounts involved in severe or repeated violations. Under certain circumstances, report the accounts to relevant legal authorities. If you ever feel someone is harassing you or otherwise being inappropriate, help is available. If you are experiencing bullying on TikTok, please report them so our moderation team can review and take appropriate action if it violates TikTok’s Community Guidelines.
  • Snapchat
    Snapchat is an app that allows users to send pictures to each other that disappear off screen within a set amount of time. Unfortunately, there is bullying on Snapchat in the form of screenshots, sending pics without permission, negative comments and more. If this is the case for you or someone you know they can block a user, tap the Menu icon, select “My Friends,” locate their name in the list and swipe right across their name. If you would like to delete a friend from your contacts, press “Delete.” Even if you haven’t added the user as a friend, their name will still appear in the “My Friends” list under “Recent” if they have sent you a message recently. If you receive an inappropriate photo or someone's harassing or bullying you, report it by filling out their online form.
  • SMSC - Spiritual/Moral/Social/Cultural
    Spiritual > The spiritual development of our students is shown by their: ability to be reflective about their own beliefs, religious or otherwise, that inform their perspective on life and their interest in and respect for different people’s faiths, feelings and values sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them use of imagination and creativity in their learning willingness to reflect on their experiences Moral > The moral development of our students is shown by their: ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong, readily apply this understanding in their own lives and, in so doing, respect the civil and criminal law of England understanding of the consequences of their behaviour and actions interest in investigating and offering reasoned views about moral and ethical issues, and being able to understand and appreciate the viewpoints of others on these issues Social >The social development of our students is shown by their: use of a range of social skills in different contexts, including working and socialising with students from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds willingness to participate in a variety of communities and social settings, including by volunteering, co-operating well with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively acceptance and engagement with the fundamental universal values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs; the students develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain Cultural > The cultural development of our students is shown by their: understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage and that of others understanding and appreciation of the range of different cultures within school and further afield as an essential element of their preparation for life in modern Britain knowledge of Britain’s democratic parliamentary system and its central role in shaping our history and values, and in continuing to develop Britain willingness to participate in and respond positively to artistic, sporting and cultural opportunities interest in exploring, improving understanding of and showing respect for different faiths and cultural diversity, and the extent to which they understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity, as shown by their tolerance and attitudes towards different religious, ethnic and socio-economic groups in the local, national and global communities
  • Rationale
    Personal Development Learning (PDL) has a greater role to play than ever before in facilitating a young person’s development and sense of identity as a citizen of Britain and the World. At a time of rapid change, students need to develop a keen sense of their own identity and consider how they relate to the people, environment and institutions around them from the past and present, from the local and global, and from the physical and spiritual. The mass media and wealth of information that is available at a touch of a button necessitates that young people are able to critically examine information in the pursuit of truth. In preparation for adult life, the curriculum areas play a vital role in developing young peoples’ ability to make skilful and moral considerations as healthy consumers in a caring and mutually respectful society.
  • Reflection Opportunities
    At the end of each half term, students are invited to reflect on the most important knowledge, skills and underpinning value related to that given half term’s topic focus. These Reflection Opportunities are expressly called so, as opposed to Assessment, because we firmly believe that Personal Development is something to be experienced and journeyed through rather than measure one’s progress within. Tutors also guide their Tutees through a reflection of desirable Character and Behavioural traits that are addressed through intermittent planned Assemblies.
  • Operation
    A student’s Personal Development is at the heart of everything we do as a school community as captured by our 3 core values of Kindness, Ambition and Diligence. Personal Development is therefore an implicit part of every lesson, school-related activity and planned-for interaction. There are also opportunities for Personal Development to be explicitly addressed in such times as Personal Development Lessons (once per fortnight), Assemblies and other Whole School events. Each week, Tutors lead their Tutor Group through a reflection on a topical theme, often in the News, that is deliberately rooted and brought back to Universal Values.
  • Ambition
    Children’s individual needs and talents will be carefully identified, understood and provided for. Crofton students study a broad and balanced curriculum. At its heart are the academic subjects students require for progression to their next steps in education at the age of 16. Our teachers are highly qualified subject specialists and we are constantly investing in the development of their subject knowledge and teaching skills. This approach enables an inclusive approach to all subjects and consistently leads to high standards in external exams, which show students of all abilities making good progress. We believe that students should experience the widest possible range of subject disciplines, giving them the chance to challenge existing strengths and gain new ones. This extends beyond the normal school timetable, into an extensive array of extra-curricular activities. Local trips have in the past been combined with those further afield to Barcelona, France, Austria, Ghana, Athens and Berlin. We also offer a range of after school activities. Students raise significant sums of money for charity and participate in a wide range of sports and debate teams with great success. There are regular opportunities to get involved in school productions and performances combining Drama, Music and Dance. Through this exciting curriculum Crofton students are challenged to develop their skills and build an appreciation of the world outside the school.
  • Kindness
    Children should always feel valued, that they belong and can be themselves. Every student is assigned a tutor and tutor group to ensure daily pastoral care is a central part of their school experience. Our partnerships with parents are also fundamental to the success of our students. Academic reports, parents’ evenings and tutor meetings provide regular opportunities to discuss and celebrate your child’s progress with our staff. We also offer workshops and events to help parents support their children through the challenges of adolescence. ‘The Croft’ also provides additional specialised support for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, enabling them to play a full part in the life of the school. The local authority manages admissions to ‘The Croft’. We believe that everyone should treat others with kindness, respect, tolerance, consideration and acceptance. We are proud of the links we have built with organisations such as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Stonewall, the Anti-Bullying Alliance, the National Citizen Service, and Young Carers. We also have links with schools in Ghana and Germany. These help us to expose students to different views of the world and challenge them to be everything they can be. Everyone at Crofton School has a responsibility to contribute to a safe, happy, welcoming, calm and ordered community in which no person should experience unkindness, discrimination or bullying. Students act as Anti-Bullying Ambassadors and we have clear policies and procedures to ensure that, when unkindness occurs, it is addressed in a swift and robust manner.
  • Diligence
    All learners strive to build independence, engage fully and participate in leadership opportunities. Visitors to Crofton School always comment upon the politeness of students and the calm and orderly learning environment. This is the result of the high expectations everyone has, supported by a clear behaviour and rewards system. Students know what is expected of them and will be challenged if this expectation is not met. Student leadership is a vital part of school life. Positions are eagerly contested, successful candidates take their roles seriously and have a significant impact on the leadership of the school. Our four houses – Air, Earth, Fire and Water – were named by the students and are part of a system that encourages competition and community participation. We expect our students to try their best in everything they do; Crofton provides the environment in which these ambitions can flourish. In this way our students leave us confident, successful and above all happy.
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