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Collective Worship

Objectives and rationale


We want our students to be well-informed and to develop rational beliefs and value systems. We also want them to become good citizens, to understand the difference between right and wrong and to behave well throughout their lives. We do not wish to persuade students of any particular belief system or religious point of view.


The overwhelming majority of students at Crofton School have white British ethnic backgrounds; therefore, it is important for us to emphasise religious and cultural diversity within society and to encourage students to appreciate and value it through spiritual reflection opportunities that are more in tune with contemporary culture as opposed to collective worship in the traditional sense.


As such, our assemblies will cover one or more of the following underlying themes which are signposted in the annual rota distributed to staff and stakeholders:


• PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) related content and/or theme

• RE (Religious Education)

• Citizenship

• Celebration/Commemorative event

• Careers/Enterprise

Autumn Term Assemblies

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