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Curriculum Intent


We believe that effective learning and teaching takes place at Crofton School when:


  • It is underpinned by our Crofton School values: Kindness, ambition and diligence

  • The curriculum is challenging and meets the varied needs of all students

  • The curriculum provides opportunities for a wide range of interesting, balanced and relevant learning for students of all abilities

  • All students have access to a curriculum that will prepare them for life beyond Crofton School




At Crofton School we believe that teaching students about the challenges of learning are crucial for their development. The focus on mastery learning allows them to deepen their knowledge and develop their problem-solving skills. The KS3 curriculum builds on the foundations of the KS2 curriculum. We understand that progress is not linear and supporting students effectively when they are finding concepts challenging must be at the heart of classroom practice.

We want to encourage students to be independent, developing skills and tools that will enable them to problem solve and find solutions. The focus on high levels of literacy and effective use of challenging subject vocabulary must be at the heart of planning lessons. We want to see students learning through effective talk to deepen their understanding of the curriculum, both with their
teachers and peers.


Reading plays a central role in Crofton School, this includes encouraging reading for pleasure and using a range of reading strategies to support students in accessing the curriculum.  


Students experience a balanced curriculum throughout their time. They are supported to ensure their transition from KS4 to post-16 is planned and they are informed of the wide variety of options available to them. We encourage students to study a broad range of subjects which extend beyond the basics of English and Maths. This includes opportunities to study the English Baccalaureate subjects alongside a broad range of other subjects. Students across all Year groups study a comprehensive PDL programme to support all aspects of their personal development.

In Years 7-9 all students are assessed against the Age-related expectations for that subject (ARE). ARE indicate the knowledge and skills that students should know by the end of each Year. When grading students against ARE standards teachers will take a holistic view of what skills and knowledge students have acquired.

The ultimate aim of our curriculum during the students five years at Crofton is to ensure students are fully equipped to lead happy and successful lives. To ensure all students are prepared for the next stages of their learning, in a range of post-16 options. 


In the words of Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” 


You can find all information relating to the National Curriculum if you follow the link below.

Timetable structure

2-week timetable – 50 periods

  • PDL is taught in tutor groups, 60 minutes every fortnight.

  • In Years 7-9 students are taught either as mixed ability or banded.

  • In Year 7, banding takes place in Maths and Science.

  • In Year 8 and 9, banding takes place in Maths and Science. All other subjects are mixed ability. We are always reviewing our banding procedures so we can meet the needs of all students.

  • In Year 7 students will experience French, German and Spanish, following a carousel. Years 8 and 9, students learn their chosen language, this could be French, German or Spanish.

  • Subjects teach in mixed ability where it is beneficial for students to be able to work alongside different abilities.

  • In KS4, students are banded in Maths and Science. In English, classes are mixed ability.

  • All option classes are mixed ability.


Marks Road, Stubbington,
Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 2AT,

United Kingdom


Reception: 01329 664251

Student Absence: 01329 666824



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