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EduLink FAQs 2025

Thank you for your patience whilst we have been working on resolving our broadband issue.

This article is designed to help parents logon to the new EduLink site for Crofton School after our MIS change in the Christmas holidays. If you have any questions after reading this article, please email


As of Tuesday 7th January, timetables, homework and attendance are now syncing to EduLink and are available for parents and students to view.


Where can I find my login details?

We sent out new login details to all parents on Friday 3rd of January, from the email

If you have not received these or the link has expired, please go to the login page for EduLink and then "Reset Login". Once you have entered your email address, you should receive a link in your mailbox which will allow you to reset your password.

Why does the login page ask me to "Login with Microsoft"?

If the login page you are accessing only has the option to "Login with Microsoft", then you may be accessing the old site. An easy way to identify this is if the school logo reads "OLD CROFTON EDULINK" in red text.

To resolve this, please follow the steps under "Removing the Old Site from Saved Logins and Logging in to the New Site.".

How does my child reset their password?

Student logins work in a different way to guardian logons and go through Microsoft to authenticate. If your child is unsure of their email or password, they can ask their Computing Teacher or Tutor who can assist them with this.

I can only see Homework and Parents Evening on my EduLink app.

This issue is similar to the second question, found above. If you can only see two options on your EduLink navigation then it is likely you are using the old site.

Follow the steps under "Removing the Old Site from Saved Logins and Logging in to the New Site.

I can't see any data regarding my child's behaviour and achievement points.

Due to differences between Arbor and SIMS, behavior and achievement records were not fully transferred on the first day of use. However, the notes for behaviour records have been carried over and are available for you to review.

We are working with Arbor to try and migrate behaviour and achievement point totals to student profiles.


Removing the old site from my saved logins and logging in to the new site.

To remove the old site from your saved schools and login to our new installation, please follow the steps below. These steps will also apply if students are experiencing the same issues.

We appreciate your understanding during this transition. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at Thank you.


Marks Road, Stubbington,
Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 2AT,

United Kingdom


Reception: 01329 664251

Student Absence: 01329 666824



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