Uniform & Equipment

Uniform can be purchased in 3 ways >
Through Skoolkit directly.
Through Pre-loved uniform shop.
Blazers can be purchased at a discounted rate through Crofton ScoPay.
Blazers via Crofton School ScoPay
We are pleased to advise you that we have secured a discount with Skoolkit for the Crofton School Blazers and are able to pass this saving on to you, please see the price list below*.
To order, please log in to your child’s ScoPay account.
(You will find Blazers and Ties under the Uniform category.)
If you have any queries with ScoPay, please email finance@croftonschool.co.uk .
All Students
Navy blue Viscount school blazer with embroidered school badge
Black ‘traditional’ trousers
(not wide, tightly fitting, flared, low waistband or ‘hipster’. Leggings, elasticated material and denim materials are not permitted)
Short or long-sleeved school shirt in white
School tie
Plain black or dark grey socks only.
Coat, without offensive logo or writing
Sturdy leather shoes, or leather look, plain black footwear, without prominent logos.
(Boots, high-heeled shoes, canvas shoes, backless shoes and stiletto heels should not be worn)
Optional Alternatives
Navy pullover with embroidered school badge (worn under a school blazer)
Black standard skirt
Should a student choose to wear a skirt, it must be a standard Davenport skirt which is available from Skoolkit, our standard uniform supplier.
These skirts are compulsory, The link can be found here https://www.skoolkit.co.uk/school-uniform/61/view/2993. Of course, the option is still there to wear smart tailored trousers (not leggings) but from January 2024, no other skirts including: stretch jersey ‘tube’ skirts and ‘skater’ style skirts will be acceptable.
Natural skin tone or black tights
Black shorts
(above the knee and no shorter than 1 inch above the middle of the knee, traditional in style not wide or ‘baggy’, tightly fitting, low waistband or ‘hipster’. Elasticated and denim materials are not permitted)
PE Kit
Navy blue/royal trim PE T-shirt with Crofton PE logo
Navy blue shorts (Tight fitted cycling shorts/Nike Pro style are not permitted)
White sports socks
Trainers with non-marking soles.
Additional options
Navy blue printed training trousers with school branding.
Black sports leggings with the Crofton Logo
Plain navy blue tracksuit trousers and/or top – branded or non-branded.
Navy blue 1/4 zip top with Crofton PE logo
Long navy blue socks for outdoor lessons
Shin pads and gum shields are​ recommended for certain activities.
Please note:
All Crofton branded PE items can be substituted for plain non-branded equivalents.
General Uniform Notes
All items should be clearly marked with the forename and surname.
No jewellery should be worn, with the exception of a maximum of one pair of small, plain sleepers or studs. No other piercings are allowed, including plastic retainers.
A watch may be worn at the owner’s risk.
Hair should be naturally coloured and kept tidy. No extreme hairstyles – for example shaved heads or shaved patterns in the hair.
Make-up, if worn, should be unobtrusive. Acrylic nails/false nails and coloured nail polishes are not allowed.
“Plain” as applied to items on this sheet encompasses the following:
Style – simple as far as possible
Materials – un-patterned and without decorations e.g. lettering, badges, embroidery etc.
Colour – single
Final decisions about the appropriateness of school uniform rest with the Headteacher.
Price List
Day Wear
You can find more information about in our Uniform Policy, found on our Policies page.
Stationery Equipment
Required Stationery Equipment:
Purple biro
Scientific calculator
Reading Book
Glue Stick (optional)
Please note all equipment must be in a pencil case.
Please see the stationery we sell in school HERE.
Please email uniform@croftonschool.co.uk with any queries relating to uniform orders.